Trying out Vue 3 with KaTeX[1]. Heavily inspired by vue-katex[2] for Vue 2.
testing vue with katex with some inline math like and a block:
Slider example: should update the expression
Proof of concept code, assuming Vue and KaTeX are loaded from CDN:
const app = Vue.createApp({data() { return {x: 3}; }}); app.component('katex-span', { props: ['expr'], computed: { math() { return katex.renderToString(this.expr); }, }, render() { return Vue.h('span', {innerHTML: this.math}); }, }); app.component('katex-div', { props: ['expr'], computed: { math() { return katex.renderToString(this.expr); }, }, render() { return Vue.h('div', {innerHTML: this.math}); }, }); app.mount('#vue-test');