Axes and Angles

 from Red Blob Games
25 Sep 2019

I created this page for myself because I was using several different axes and angle systems and wanted to keep track of the formulas.

 1  Axes#

In math, we typically have X pointing right and Y pointing up. But in 2D graphics for computer screens, including SVG and HTML5 Canvas, we usually have Y pointing down:


(Historical note: we use Y down because that’s how CRT electron guns scanned the lines for TVs. But IBM OS/2 used Y up for its 2D graphics!)

When working with 3D you have to be extra careful about axes. Both DirectX and OpenGL have Y pointing up, but DirectX and OpenGL textures have Y pointing down. DirectX has a Z axis pointing away from the screen and OpenGL has a Z axis pointing towards the screen. Unity uses Y pointing up for graphics and Y pointing down for UI elements.

 2  Angles#

In math we have a standard angle system where 0° is east, 90° north, and angles grow counterclockwise. But in navigation we have a compass angle system where 0° is north, 90° east, and angles grow clockwise. And you might also have a math angle system flipped upside down to match the screen.

180°90°270°math y-up180°270°90°screen y-down90°270°180°compass

Either way, angles are a little tricky because of the wraparound. Unit vectors are often nicer. But when working with angles I use separate functions to tell me how far I have to turn left vs how far I have to turn right. Note that you may have to reverse the names depending on which coordinate system you use.

function mod(value, modulo) {
    return ((value % modulo) + modulo) % modulo

function degreesLeft(startDeg, endDeg) {
    return mod(endDeg - startDeg, 360)

function degreesRight(startDeg, endDeg) {
    return mod(startDeg - endDeg, 360)

function degreesApart(startDeg, endDeg) {
    return Math.min(degreesLeft(startDeg, endDeg),
                    degreesRight(startDeg, endDeg))

function test(expr, expected) {
    console.log(expr, "=", eval(expr), ", should be", expected)

test("degreesLeft(350, 10)",   20)
test("degreesLeft(10, 350)",  340)
test("degreesRight(350, 10)", 340)
test("degreesRight(10, 350)",  20)
test("degreesApart(10, 10)",  0)
test("degreesApart(10, 350)",  20)
test("degreesApart(10, 90)",  80)
test("degreesApart(10, 190)",  180)
test("degreesApart(10, 40)",   30)

There’s a shorter way to express the non-directional version on this stackoverflow answer[1].

function mod(value, modulo) {
    return ((value % modulo) + modulo) % modulo

function degreesApart(startDeg, endDeg) {
    let diff = mod(endDeg - startDeg, 360)
    return 180 - Math.abs(Math.abs(diff) - 180)

function test(expr, expected) {
    console.log(expr, "=", eval(expr), ", should be", expected)

test("degreesApart(10, 10)",  0)
test("degreesApart(10, 350)",  20)
test("degreesApart(10, 90)",  80)
test("degreesApart(10, 190)",  180)
test("degreesApart(10, 40)",   30)

 3  Trigonometry#

These rules are independent of the coordinate systems you’re using:

θ = atan2(A, B)
A = sin(θ)
B = cos(θ)

They always have to match up; it’s a nice way to double check consistency.

Axes Angles
math y-up screen y-down compass
θ = atan2(y, x)
y = sin(θ)
x = cos(θ)
θ = atan2(-y, x)
y = -sin(θ)
x = cos(θ)
θ = atan2(x, y)
x = sin(θ)
y = cos(θ)
θ = atan2(-y, x)
y = -sin(θ)
x = cos(θ)
θ = atan2(y, x)
y = sin(θ)
x = cos(θ)
θ = atan2(x, -y)
x = sin(θ)
y = -cos(θ)

(Is this right? need to double check)

I find it easiest to remember things when θ = atan2(y, x), either math angles + math axes, or screen angles + screen axes, but sometimes I need to use another system for the project.

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